Saturday 16 August 2014

Day 13

Today was the first full day of our retreat at the beautiful Angels' Hills retreat center. The group gathered at 9 am for morning prayer where we reflected on the importance of forgiveness and how that is what sets us apart as christian communities. ("See how they love one another"). The remainder of the morning was spent in reflective prayer and silence to process the many ways that God has worked in our lives throughout this mission trip.

For the afternoon, a large majority of the group took a once in a lifetime excursion opportunity. We traveled on jeeps from Tagaytay to Taal Lake. The view on the ride down the mountain was breathtaking. It looked like something out of Jurassic Park or Tarzan. The roads were barely wide enough to fit two vehicles!

We rode on what looked like glorified motorized canoes to an island on Taal Lake. The lake was a gorgeous green color. It was nice to breath in some fresh air!

On the island, we rode horses, some smaller than others, to the top of a dormant volcano. On the way up, the ride was rockier for some than others. A few people struggled to stay on the horses...or the horses struggled to keep Canadian sized people of European descent on them. Regardless of the outcome of the trail ride, it was an absolutely amazing view up the mountain and on the top. Like typical tourists, we all took hundreds of photos with the hopes to plaster them on social media later in the day. Like our morning meditation reminded us, it was very easy to see Gods beauty on this breathtaking trail ride. This was a definite trip touring highlight for many of us!

After supper, our evening session began with a living rosary under the stars. Then we moved into a time that centered around a re-enactment of the washing of the feet. Scott, Michelle and Joe washed the feet of each team member, thanking them for their contributions to our team and their willingness to serve. Then the 3 basins of water were placed in the middle of the room and the group were invited to come forward and wash the feet of anyone in our community with whom they felt they needed to reconcile or... to wash the feet, in a spirit of gratitude, someone who had served them. It was a beautiful and touching hour of healing. Laying low for the last few days has been exactly what everyone has needed in order to process all that has happened over the last 2 weeks.

Prayer Request: For healing and unity among communities. This mission team community, church communities, families and the global community. That we may forgive each other readily.
Quote of the day: "This is the little horse that could...." (Scott to the horse's handler after insisting that the little horse was NOT going to be able to bear his weight back down the hill)

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